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Magnet motor

The dream of “free energy” continues
Author: F.F., Offenbach, Germany
Online since: 21/09/2009, Number of visits: 368546
At the end of 2007, Mr F wrote: "The magnets Q-30-10-05-N I ordered from you were used to build an experimental model of a magnet motor. I used 62 magnets for this design, which I utilise to experiment with ever-changing magnet arrangements. In the picture, you can clearly see the opposite polarity shielding by means of iron discs.
This shielding is to be regarded as a success, but unfortunately, it does have the disadvantage of weakening the working pole. That is why only 2 revolutions are possible with the help of gravity (due to the rotor imbalance).
So I will have to continue working on that."
An update followed mid-2009: “In my newest design with the same magnet type (albeit with only 11 magnets) the shielding is located directly on the magnet. Because of that, I have no resistance on the rotor in the direction of rotation towards the counter magnet (stator). The rotor magnet is attracted to the stator magnet and then catapulted away from the attraction range of the stator magnet.
In general, this works just fine, but when I close the circuit with additional magnets, they interfere with each other and nothing works anymore.
So further research is needed to solve this problem too.
I am a mechanical engineering designer and could always rely on my gut feeling on whether or not a prototype would work in the end – despite the many criticisms of my colleagues. I have a good feeling about the magnet motor.
If I don’t succeed, then someone else certainly will.”
A note from team supermagnete: A so-called “magnet motor”, which at some point is supposed to generate “free energy” cannot exist based on the applicable rules of physics. Nonetheless, there is a large community of inventors who, with great determination, keep trying to build such a motor. Mr F’s prototype is, without a doubt, very professionally built. However, we doubt that anybody will ever succeed in building a fully functional magnet motor – but if so, it would be the most revolutionary technical invention of the past 5 000 years. Then again, our humble opinion has so far not deterred anyone from trying anyway.

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